Thursday, July 28, 2011


"Brooklyn-based DJ / producer Kingdom rose to public acclaim with his debut single “Mind Reader” (released on Fool’s Gold in early 2010), a collaboration with big-voiced NYC diva Shyvonne. But even before “Mind Reader,” Kingdom had been deeply involved in Bok Bok & Lvis-1990′s London-based Night Slugs collective, having had his European debut at their second-ever club night. It was his mixtapes that first alerted Night Slugs’ attention. His debut 2006 mixtape fused grime, crunk, US club, and house with his unique adaptations of R&B vocals. On his debut Night Slugs EP That Mystic, Kingdom delivers five tracks that reference many of the aforementioned genres, but also posses a completely individual, otherworldly gleam. It’s the sound of digital chimes, operating system environments, skipping CDs, midi ringtones. Kingdom now represents the leading force in a new generation of American bass producers. And with upcoming releases on Night Slugs, Fool’s Gold, and his own Fade to Mind imprint, his presence on the playlists of international DJs continues to grow." -




Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Arthur Russell was a classical cellist that played in the 70's disco scene, who wasn't recognized for his avante-pop, minimal music while he was alive. During his short life, he collaborated with musicians such as Phillip Glass, David Bryne, and Nicky Siano. He also worked with choreographers such as Diane Madden, Alison Salzinger, and John Berned. Fun fact: He briefly dated Allen Ginsberg:)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Amazing killer acrylic animal teeth bookbag, check. Amazing crazy peruvian-esque pants with swag and  a turqoise mink, check.

  Thanks, Japan.